Legal notices
griffity GmbH
CEO: Evi Garabed
Hanns-Schwindt-Straße 8
81829 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 – 43 66 92-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 – 43 66 92-66
Registered in Munich, Reg. No. 76883
VAT ID: DE 129 368 378
The information on our web server has been carefully reviewed and is valid as at the date given. However, we cannot provide any guarantee for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the information.
©griffity GmbH, 2019 Munich
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The information or parts thereof contained in this website may not be reproduced in any way outside the terms set out here without our prior written permission.
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All materials contained in this website for download are subject to copyright belonging to griffity GmbH.
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Unless otherwise stated in this website, you may only access, copy, print or distribute materials presented on these web pages on the following conditions:
- The materials are used solely for your own personal, non-commercial information-gathering requirements.
- The materials are not altered or modified in any way.
- Every copy of these materials or parts thereof must contain the above copyright notice and this admissibility notice.
- We at griffity reserve the right to revoke authorisation to use the material at any time. Any use of the materials shall cease immediately on written request to do so.